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Politecnico di Milano’s 2021 Digital Agenda Awards: inPA, developed by the Department of Public Administration in collaboration with AlmavivA, is among the winners

Politecnico di Milano’s 2021 Digital Agenda Awards: inPA, developed by the Department of Public Administration in collaboration with AlmavivA, is among the winners


Department of Public Administration, Piedmont Region, Municipality of Bologna, and SistemEvo: these are the winners of the seventh edition of the Digital Agenda Awards promoted by the Digital Agenda Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management, which gives these awards to promote and spread good digitalization practices.

The winner in the “Implementation of the Digital Agenda” category was the “inPa - Recruitment Portal” project, developed by the Department of Public Administration in collaboration with AlmavivA.

A single gateway for recruiting PA personnel, the portal’s objective is to improve the quality of public administration recruitment through an innovative digital system that simplifies and accelerates the meeting between supply and demand in public employment.

“This news fills us with pride,” commented Renato Brunetta, Minister for Public Administration, “because inPA is the perfect symbol for the new public administration which, thanks to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, we’ve placed at the center of Italy’s recovery after years of resources and skills being depleted. No longer a cost, but an investment. No longer a sector with low wages and low productivity, but rather a sector that rewards merit, promotes high specializations, and guarantees rapid, rigorous, and transparent access. inPA is all of this: a platform created in record time by the Department of Civil Service in collaboration with AlmavivA, available to all administrations for the recruitment of the professionals and experts that they need, but also a map of all the job opportunities available in public administration.”

“People, work, merit, transparency, technology. inPA is the keystone of the redevelopment project for public administration and for the services offered to citizens and businesses, based on the best European and international standards. It is, ultimately, the prototype of the digitalization of the future.”

The Tuscany Region, with the “Smart Region Toscana” project created by AlmavivA, was also on the podium in the Regional Digital Agendas category.