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MOOVA for the USA: AlmavivA in Denver for APTAtech

MOOVA for the USA: AlmavivA in Denver for APTAtech


The APTAtech Conference focusing on innovations in the mobility sector will be held in Denver from 14 to 17 August.

Ticketing in public transport, self-driving vehicles, environmental sustainability and IT security are the main topics of interest of the American Public Transport Association, also linked to the role of emerging technologies in improving the travel experience of citizens.

In the AlmavivA exhibition space, Vincenzo Bloise and Mike Pracht will present the AFC electronic ticketing machine to the US market, including the proposals for the calculation of the best fare. The innovative on-board technologies Smart Train & Vehicle and Smart Station will consolidate AlmavivA's position in the USA.

For more information, visit the APTATech website.