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“ECulture”: Presentation of the Digital Project to Enhance Catania’s Cultural Heritage, Developed With Almaviva and Almawave

“ECulture”: Presentation of the Digital Project to Enhance Catania’s Cultural Heritage, Developed With Almaviva and Almawave


This morning, in the Sala Giunta of Palazzo degli Elefanti, the Municipality of Catania presented the contents of ECulture, a platform for accessing the city’s cultural and informational heritage through an app and portal, and for digitally cataloging the items of the Castello Ursino Civic Museum.

Developed in collaboration with Almaviva and Almawave, the project is intended to promote Catania’s cultural heritage and boost its tourism, thanks to the potential offered by digital technologies.

Almawave Group’s artificial intelligence and machine translation models, integrated into the ECulture portal, have made it possible to translate the entire patrimony of available information, which can now be read in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.

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