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Training, research, technology transfers: AlmavivA and Almawave at the Kick-off of the University of Pisa Master Big Data Analytics & Social Mining

Training, research, technology transfers: AlmavivA and Almawave at the Kick-off of the University of Pisa Master Big Data Analytics & Social Mining


This afternoon sees the opening of the 2022 edition of SoBigData, the University of Pisa's Master's Degree in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining.

AlmavivA renews its collaboration with the University as part of the program designed to train data scientists, through a multi-disciplinary curriculum aimed at the synthesis between the study of the fundamentals of data science - technological, analytical, narrative and ethical - and field work in project activities.

The AlmavivA Group has been invited to bring its expertise to the online Kick-off Event 2022: AlmavivA and Almawave will speak about innovation, technology and Artificial Intelligence, the power of data and how to transform it into valuable information.