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Citizen Relationship Management, how technology is transforming relations with PA: on Agenda Digitale.eu

Citizen Relationship Management, how technology is transforming relations with PA: on Agenda Digitale.eu


Digital trends are contributing to the development of communications between citizens and Public Administration, leading to increased exchange on one hand and process optimization on the other. This is giving rise to a vision of more efficient public service, with benefits in terms of simplicity and speed.

The success of a multi-channel approach, combined with virtual assistants and new analysis tools, is currently bringing one of its most meaningful transformations to life in contact centers, offering excellent opportunities for interaction with citizens. Customer experience can actually be reinterpreted thanks to cutting-edge methods used to manage contact with citizens and companies in the context of Citizen Relationship Management (CRM), which has already been adopted by several public organizations to increase the quality and quantity of the services provided, as well as to offer simplicity and speed, actively involving users in the development and customization of the services on offer.

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