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JOY Point | Sport Senza Frontiere

JOY Point | Sport Senza Frontiere

JOY project: social inclusion through sports

Sport Senza Frontiere Onlus was founded in 2011 in Rome with the aim of combating poverty and social inequality through projects that use sport as a means for inclusion, harmonious growth and emancipation of minors living in situations of poverty and at risk of social marginalization.

Almaviva accompanies the SSF path, by supporting the JOY program. Open to all, JOY aims to include children and young people at risk of social exclusion in educational-sports programmes. The format and contents of the interventions are designed with the Department of Education Sciences of Roma Tre University.

Summer is a particularly critical period for families, in particular those in situations of social fragility: schools close, sports courses are interrupted and the little ones find themselves without a place to meet and an organized socialization space allowing them to hang out with peers in a protected environment and keeping them engaged in educational activities.

Almaviva has decided to support the activities of 3 JOY Points, in Rome, Naples, and Milan. They are summer centers with a social vocation, open to anyone but designed to include a certain number of minors free of charge to allow them to experiment and develop skills, relationships, talents, passions, and aspirations, regardless of their condition of origin.

To be part of it, write to JOY Project.

Do you want to learn more on JOY programs?