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Almaviva Solutions

Almaviva Solutions

Borderless innovation

Almaviva Solutions was established in April 2024, when Almaviva Group acquired Magna Sistemas, a pillar of the Brazilian IT market, a service company that offers innovative solutions based on different technologies to support its clients in solving business challenges.

The Company combines Magna Sistemas local expertise with Almaviva Group global presence and diversified portfolio, creating new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Almaviva Solutions is ready to lead the digital transformation in Brazil, offering advanced and integrated solutions that keep up with the continuous evolution of the market, constantly investing in the development of professionals and establishing strategic partnerships, to meet the complex demands of customers.

Uniting experience, amplifying impacts

Leading the digital transformation in Brazil, offering advanced and integrated solutions that keep up with the constant evolution of the market

Almaviva Solutions Management

Marco Tripi


Almaviva Solutions Management

Adriano Dias


Almaviva Solutions S.A.
Head office

Avenida Faria Lima, 1656
CEP: 01451-918 São Paulo | SP

Our companies

Almaviva Saudi Arabia

Our companies

Almaviva USA