The new Request To Pay SEPA scheme to be added to the existing schemes (SCT, SCT Instant, SDD) , providing with a messaging service to transfer home payment requests.
Payment requests can be sent from one company to another, from a company to a private individual, or between individuals.
The first two scenarios are of particular relevance for suppliers are users of commercial collection services, such as SDD (Sepa Direct Debit), bank receipts, notified payments (MAV).
Almaviva Group has a team of experts on “Request To Pay” and other SEPA schemes, overseeing legislative changes, technical and market standards.
In this step we offeradvisory and consulting for benchmarking and market analysis to identify the advantages in the adoption of a scheme within the bank/PSP offer and credit company collection management processes, as well as defining timing and business model. Our team is available for both use case analysis and go-live support services.
Contact us to participate in discussions and training events on Request To Pay SEPA or for more information about our services.