Almaviva supports the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MiTE) in implementing the “Mettiamoci in RIGA - Integrated Strengthening of Environmental Governance” project, in line with Europe’s 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth and with the content defined in the 2014-2020 PON - Institutional Governance and Capability.
Almaviva strengthens its commitment to support public administration, encouraging the digitalization of administrative procedures and the regularization of sites undergoing reclamation, with the objective of improving quality and effectiveness in the implementation of environmental policies at the regional level through:
Almaviva has implemented the “Database of SIN Reclamation” project which oversees the reclamation of sites of national interest and is useful for transparent and up-to-date monitoring as well as the management of the processes themselves through the collection, verification, and systematization of technical, administrative, and economic information.