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Hospital Discharge Form

Hospital Discharge Form

Use Case

Monitoring of hospital discharge forms

The introduction of the HIS - Hospital Information System - within the Lazio Region has allowed the 10 Local Healthcare Authorities (6 of which located within the Metropolitan City of Rome) and the 6 Hospitals of the Regional Healthcare System to automate and optimize monitoring of hospital discharge forms.

Hospital discharge forms (HDFs) represent a periodic flow of information to the Ministry of Health and are traditionally sent as text files, requiring an enormous effort on the part of regional personnel in order to review everything.

As compared to the previous and obsolete management system, the new HIS, developed in collaboration with AlmavivA, makes it possible to send HDFs in .xml format, perform automatic reviews and verifications, and assign DRG, costs, and rates based on the parameters set in the dashboard.

A dashboard to support regional hospitals

The system is used by all hospitals located within the regional territory and that manage acute and long-term hospitalizations (about 140 structures). Through the HIS dashboard, the structures can monitor and review the HDFs that have been sent and verify the various statuses before they are validated by the relevant local health authorities in the region, which can thus define the status of the HDFs as “to be validated”, “suspended”, or “validated”.

Furthermore, the HIS makes it possible to monitor the hospital beds in all public and private structures through the integration of the individual structures’ ADT (Admittance / Discharge / Transfer) systems.

With the Covid-19 emergency, the system has also begun monitoring the number of patients hospitalized due to this pathology in every single structure.

Results and future developments

The HIS represents a valid tool for having greater control over the data sent to the Ministry. In fact, in 2020 the error difference was only 0.1% as compared to the previous situation (in which the figure was higher than 3%) regarding any errors found in hospital discharge forms.

The system also requires less monitoring by regional personnel and provides an effective tool (particularly during this pandemic) for keeping track of available hospital beds in the various wards, including intensive care. About 80 healthcare facilities currently provide data regarding bed occupancy, with an average of 950 patients admitted per day.

The change in paradigm brought about by the “Hospital Information System” project in the medium to long term guarantees:

Collection of data the very moment it is produced

Budget optimization processes

Integration with the electronic invoicing system

Centralization of mandatory review processes


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