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Physician Record Portal

Physician Record Portal

Use Case

Interoperable application infrastructure


In the Italian National Health system, performance indicators measure the quality of health services and their facilities with respect to care, economic sustainability, and other concepts such as efficiency, effectiveness, appropriateness, equity, and accessibility.

A portal for physician performance indicators

By systematizing data on the Cloud, Almaviva has created the Physician Record Portal to display the performance indicators of general practitioners and pediatricians. Quality indicators related to the healthcare workforce are then available through a web app and desktop platform.

Collection of health information on the platform

Cloud-based data systematization

Quality indicators available through web app and desktop platform



The construction of the Physician Record Portal aims to ensure governance of the national healthcare and public healthcare network while promoting a reduction in all bureaucratic procedures by automating some processes. It also aims to make data evaluation and systematization practices more efficient.

Healthcare network monitoring

Automation of bureaucratic procedures

Increased evaluation efficiency


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