Regional platform of services and packages available to tour operators and tourists for the promotion of tourism in Sicily
The tourism industry in Sicily accounts for 15% of the regional GDP and supports thousands of businesses and workers. To facilitate the recovery of tourism activities and related employment, which have been heavily impacted as a result of the measures adopted to contain and prevent the spread of Covid-19, actions were necessary to innovate the region and its related services.
Instead of distributing funds and subsidies to companies in crisis, the Administration has come up with an initiative that will attract visitors and inject new wealth into the entire tourism industry.
The Region of Sicily transforms into a hub of tourist services, through the SeeSicily platform, offering accommodations, excursions, guided tours, and scuba diving, as well as entrance fees to museum and monumental centers. These services are available for sale on the part of Sicilian tour operators.
The services purchased by the region and made available to tour operators and qualified travel agencies can be used free of charge by tourists who book vacations and overnight stays in Sicily.
A flexible and reliable platform, SeeSicily helps to increase, diversify and de-seasonalize tourist traffic. Through a monitoring dashboard, the platform allows operators in the Region to keep track of the services and packages provided through vouchers, the remaining services, and, above all, the economic impact generated through promotional vouchers, all in real-time.
SeeSicily supports the stages of:
by tour operators
simplified and automated through application integration protocols
of vouchers