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“Thinking Economy”. AlmavivA Partners the SAP Executive Summit at Cernobbio

“Thinking Economy”. AlmavivA Partners the SAP Executive Summit at Cernobbio


“Thinking Economy”. AlmavivA Partners the SAP Executive Summit at Cernobbio

We are facing a massive change which, until recently, would only belong in a work of science fiction: artificial intelligence is actually entering our lives, changing the way we run businesses and bring value to companies. But what impact will Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, Industry 4.0 and Blockchain have on the global economy and our own behaviour? Are we ready to operate in a Thinking Economy in which everything will become “quicker and more intelligent”? What strategies and which tools will support the journey “from thinking to doing”?

 “The more intelligence surrounding business, the higher the value of the company” is the central theme of the SAP Executive Summit, the main event held in Italy by SAP in conjunction with its Partners.

It will take place - as it does every year - at Cernobbio, on the 9th and 10th March, to analyse the evolution of business and the market in the current national and international climate, with over one hundred of the main C-Level executives from the largest Italian companies and institutions exchanging views and experiences.

View the event schedule