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World IPv6 Day: June 8 was the day chosen to test the public deployment of the new Internet Protocol.

World IPv6 Day: June 8 was the day chosen to test the public deployment of the new Internet Protocol.


The World IPv6 Day, promoted by the Internet Society, was the first worldwide event enabling the participating Internet service providers

AlmavivA was the only large Italian-based ICT company to take part in the event. IPv6

The World IPv6 Day, promoted by the Internet Society, was the first worldwide event enabling the participating Internet service providers to test, for 24 hours, the compatibility of their websites with the new IPv6, which is set to replace the current IPv4.
IPv4, the current standard used by computers to communicate via the Internet, is exhausting its addresses: the last block of addresses was allocated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) in February 2011. The transition to a new evolved standard – IPv6 – is about to be launched.
The new Internet will be extended everywhere and will increasingly become a part of our lives, also thanks to the integration of the network services in the devices we use every day. Only IPv6 can satisfy the enormous need of addresses required by all these new peripherals.
Service providers will soon have to publish their web content using the IPv6 Internet Protocol, to transfer their services to the new-generation devices. This is why Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook and other top Internet service providers have promoted this world day, with a view to accelerating the introduction of the new protocol. To change over to IPv6, the top service providers will be required to reconfigure their networks to support the new standard. In any case, a certain amount of time will be needed for the transition to become effective, for both businesses and private users.
Security will be one of the key issues, because a new "forma mentis" will be required, with respect to the secure design of the networks, due to the temporary co-existence with IPv4 and the new protocol characteristics. To support its customers with effective and consolidated technological solutions, AlmavivA has decided to prepare itself to this transition in advance.
During the World IPv6 Day, AlmavivA, in fact, has tested an ad hoc solution developed by its IT Security Practice. In the wake of the positive experience of 8 June, AlmavivA is preparing itself to launch this solution on the market, to enable its customers to publish their web content on IPV6, while at the same time affording protection from attacks on security, which have been constantly on the rise over the last 4-5 years.
The project developed by AlmavivA’s IT Security Practice is part of a broader program, which includes the establishment of the Security Operation Center, provides security services – according to a cloud approach – to contrast CyberCrime.