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Bank to the Future! Exploring the digital ecosystem. AlmavivA sponsors the ABI Lab Forum

Bank to the Future! Exploring the digital ecosystem. AlmavivA sponsors the ABI Lab Forum


Milan, 21st and 22nd March

Online current accounts, apps, social networks and many other tools are revolutionising the relationship between banks and their customers, who nowadays demand timely, efficient and interactive assistance through readily available services, in any part of the world, at any time and from any device.

The banking sector is thoroughly immersed in the digital ecosystem where technological advancements lead to increasingly fast-paced development. ABI Lab, the Bank Research and Innovation Centre promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI), organises the 13th edition of the Forum, to be held in Milan on 21st and 22nd March.

The event, sponsored by the Agency for Digital Italy, will host representatives of the banking, institutional, academic and business sectors who will analyse the social, economic and cultural changes that have been brought about by digital technologies.

  • AlmavivA Press Release on the new open banking, digital payment and data rights management solutions
  • Programme of the ABI Lab Forum