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Agrisian: e-communication for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Agrisian: e-communication for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry


Spreading e-communication in Government is one of the cornerstones for significantly improving the efficiency of the services provided to the public.


Agrisian: e-communication for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Spreading e-communication in Government is one of the cornerstones for significantly improving the efficiency of the services provided to the public.

And the Government's program - especially with respect to the government digitization project - provides for the achievement of several specific goals for improving the efficiency and efficacy of government, at all levels.
Within this framework, on 18 March 2003, the Ministerial Committee for the Information Society approved the @p@ project for co-financing automation projects, with a view to optimizing the benefits from the use of e-communications.
All central government departments and local government bodies have been invited to submit feasibility studies, with respect to projects which, by providing for e-communication tools for their practices and processes, may thus implement organizational improvements, and financial and time savings.
Concerning the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, two projects have recently been approved and financed, namely, the "Automation of internal communications, by means of the implementation of the Ministry personnel administrative information system", and the "Circulation of communications to the public and businesses, with respect to the implementation by the Ministry of administrative transparency procedures".
With respect to the State Forest Police, the following project has been approved and financed: "Support to transparency in administrative processes, with respect to the certification procedures envisaged by CITES, the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna".
The projects will be implemented by Agrisian.