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From “traditional” Test Factory to Agile Testing: the evolution of Test Management

From “traditional” Test Factory to Agile Testing: the evolution of Test Management


AlmavivA speaks at the Seminar sponsored by Associazione Italiana Information Systems Auditors

Representatives of the IT Governance, IT Audit and IT Security sectors of diversified organizations will meet on 4 March, in Turin, at the multimedia room of the Einaudi College, for a Seminar sponsored by the Associazione Italiana Information Systems Auditors for its members.

Paolo Antonio Zupo, Test Management chief at the Software Engineering & Technology Innovation facility, will present AlmavivA’s experience at the event.

AlmavivA has been collaborating for over a decade now with the top Italian and international Testing bodies and is a partner of ITA-STQB Italian Software Testing Board Qualification, a worldwide center of excellence in the field.

AlmavivA will provide an account of how Test Management organization, technology and methods have changed over the years, particularly in the Public Administration and Finance, two sectors in which the Company has a leading role and a great deal of experience. The focus will be on the AlmavivA “Test Factory” and its governing processes, testing research projects and test automation experience.

The event is an opportunity to take a look into the recent software lifecycle innovations, such as the agile testing techniques, which have raised new issues for Test Managers, by redesigning the borders of testing and offering new Quality Assurance improvement opportunities.