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Milan, 12th October, “Conversation in Action”: Almawave to participate in the Customer Experience 2020

Milan, 12th October, “Conversation in Action”: Almawave to participate in the Customer Experience 2020


Milan, 12th October, “Conversation in Action”: Almawave to participate in the Customer Experience 2020

The conference dedicated to exploring the future of relations with customers returns to Milan, at Palazzo delle Stelline: Customer Experience 2020, the event to be held on 12th October promoted by CMI Customer Management Insights, marks an opportunity to analyse the strategies and technologies set to have an impact on customer experience in the forthcoming years.

Establishing true communication with customers means understanding their “sentiment” and gathering and optimally using all the available information, including that deriving from traditional management applications and that featured on social media.

Responding to this challenge is the mission of Almawave, an AlmavivA Group company. Combining a business vision and technological expertise, the company offers the market a package comprising Voice of the Customer, Customer Engagement Centre, Big Data & Advanced Analytics.

We are currently witnessing a drastic simplification of the interactions between organisations and customers, thanks to the growing ability to use natural language as a primary resource: the speech by the CEO, Valeria Sandei, will summarise the major issues regarding customer experience, analysed starting from the current experiences on the field but with a focus on the trends linked to the development of artificial intelligence.

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agenda of the conference