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Antonio Amati at the 7th International Symposium of University Professors on “Caritas in Veritate"

Antonio Amati at the 7th International Symposium of University Professors on “Caritas in Veritate"


250 speakers will present their papers at the 7th International Symposium of University Professors on “Caritas in Veritate. Verso un’economia al servizio della famiglia umana. Persona, Società Istituzioni”

Antonio Amati at the 7th International Symposium of University Professors on “Caritas in Veritate. Verso un’economia al servizio della famiglia umana" (Charity in Truth. Towards an economy supporting the human family)

250 speakers will present their papers at the 7th International Symposium of University Professors on “Caritas in Veritate. Verso un’economia al servizio della famiglia umana. Persona, Società Istituzioni” (Charity in Truth. Towards an economy supporting the human family. Person, Society, Institutions), being held in Rome and coming to an end tomorrow.  
Antonio Amati

The event was organized by the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace and by the University Pastoral Care Office of the Vicariate of Rome in collaboration with the Minister of Universities Education and Research and with the Minister of Economic Development, with the National Research Center (CNR) and with the eight faculties of Economy of the University of Rome.


In what way can we concretely put into practice the message of the Encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate, that places the dignity of the person at the centre of economic choices? This is the question the participants to the Symposium will attempt to answer through topical insights into various economic areas: History/Economy, Public finance and stability, Enterprise, Labor, Cooperation, Economics/Finance, Economy and protection of the environment, Urban systems and quality of life, etc.

In the parallel workshop on Economia dei servizi e management (Service economy and management), the GM of the AlmavivA IT Division Antonio Amati,
tomorrow shall present his paper on “Creazione del valore e integrità dei valori” (Creation of value and integrity of values).
In particular, Mr. Amati in his paper will illustrate the items in the Encyclical that address the deep changes in how modern entrepreneurship is viewed. He has recently stated that: “The economic crisis in 2000 and the more recent one in 2008 have demonstrated that in order to come out of a crisis one must lift the aim towards the long-term in the attempt to create wealth with the ability to innovate. Thus, the creation of value is not simply quantitative but is linked to the development of creativity in every person, to the integrity of relations with clients and to the respect for the environment in which the enterprise works”.