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AlmavivA Contact: we respond to the call of the Italian Government

AlmavivA Contact: we respond to the call of the Italian Government


AlmavivA Contact: we respond to the call of the Italian Government

Rome, 14th October 2017 - AlmavivA Contact acknowledges that the consultation among employees of the Milan branch has led to the rejection of the draft agreement signed a few days ago by the majority of the company’s trade union representatives. The agreement intended to provide a solution to the definitive termination of an important contract that had been managed for several years in the Milan site.

The client’s decision not to renew the contract – which, moreover, goes against an established renewal practice based on competitive dialogue – determined a 25% reduction of business for Milan, resulting in redundant personnel and losses for the production site. In the absence of a new tender by the principal for assigning the same activities, this situation circumvented the application of social clauses to safeguard employment and envisaged in the law.

In the light of this situation, AlmavivA Contact initiated, well in advance, a responsible and transparent dialogue with the company’s trade union representatives, with the aim of defining an agreement based on feasible solutions and a shared path.

After over two months of meetings, the draft agreement signed with the majority of the company’s trade union representatives of the Milan branch included a series of measures aimed at relaunching the site’s efficiency and productivity, without intervening on the cost of labour, accompanied by short-term welfare support measures, aimed at reconverting and training redundant personnel only.

It must be underlined that the measures contained in the agreement would have had a lower impact – on both the organisation and the income levels of employees – compared to the various agreements signed over the past five years by the same trade union organisations of the sector in similar situations.

The negative outcome of the consultation, under the given circumstances, forced the timely implementation of all the unavoidable measures envisaged in the contract, in order to minimise the negative consequences for the employees and activities of the Milan site.

AlmavivA Contact is well-aware of the situation’s complexity and responds to the Government’s call to suspend the measures adopted thus far, pending the ministerial-level meeting scheduled for the forthcoming days and aimed at defining an agreement for guaranteeing the necessary break-even point for the production site.