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AlmavivA develops the Information System for the Lazio Regional Government’s Rural Development Plan

AlmavivA develops the Information System for the Lazio Regional Government’s Rural Development Plan


AlmavivA has developed the PSR-SI information system for managing grant applications received by the Regional Government from farm enterprises, using the dedicated EU funds.


AlmavivA develops the Information System for the Lazio Regional Government’s Rural Development Plan

AlmavivA has developed the PSR-SI information system for managing grant applications received by the Regional Government from farm enterprises, using the dedicated EU funds.
The client
Lazio Innovazione Tecnologica
The challenge
The Lazio Regional Government’s main request was for management information systems capable of optimizing the use of the funds allocated by the EU for rural development purposes, while at the same time speedily processing the grant applications received from farm enterprises, whose competitive ability largely depends on the availability of Community funds. The digitized management of rural development, therefore, is of strategic importance for the region’s agricultural policies.
The solutions and benefits
In February 2009, AlmavivA, as leader of a temporary joint venture set up with Sofiter, concluded a contract for the development of the PSR-SI with LAit (Lazio Innovazione Tecnologica), a company predominantly owned by the Lazio Regional Government and which had been requested, by the Regional Government, to develop, organize and manage the Regional Information System. Under the contract, AlmavivA was required to develop a web application accessible via both the Internet and the regional intranet, for processing the incoming applications and paying out the grants, capable of interacting with the other systems, such as the database of AGEA and the archive of Aziende Agricole della Regione (Regional Farm Enterprises).
The PSR-SI has enabled the regional authorities to manage the process of collecting the applications from the farm enterprises, assessing the eligibility of the applicants and paying out the grants, within the framework of the Regional Rural Development Scheme. The system can process 26 different types of applications, with respect to eligibility requirements, local features of the investment zones and amount of admissible aid.
To date, over 6000 grant applications have been processed and 1500 grants paid out.
Throughout the 3-year term of the contract (2009 – 2012), AlmavivA will also provide back-office management services to the LAit personnel engaged in providing the front-office services. The system may evolve in the future, compared to the currently published version, in line with the Regional Government’s requirements, in connection with the completion of the administrative digitization process.
Comment by the client
With regard to all the actions implemented by the Regional Government, the Information System developed by AlmavivA represents the technical support tool for achieving the objective of using the funds made available by the European Union, thus avoiding the possibility that the unused funds be sent back to Brussels” said Stefano Sbaffi, Executive at the Office for Institutional Relations and District and Supply Line Policies of the Regional Department of Agriculture.