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AlmavivA sponsors the Exhibition opening today at the Parco della Musica

AlmavivA sponsors the Exhibition opening today at the Parco della Musica


“Frammenti di storia. L’Italia attraverso le impronte, le immagini e i sopralluoghi della Polizia Scientifica”

[“Fragments of history. Italy through the fingerprints, images and on-site inspections of the Forensics Department”]

As part of the annual Festa della Polizia celebrating the police force, an Exhibition dedicated to the values and 100-year-plus history of the Forensics Department opens today in the Spazio Risonanze at the Parco della Musica in Rome.

AlmavivA constantly strives for excellence and has been operating in the Defence and Security sector for 25 years. It is now proud to be taking part in an event recalling the important moments defining the work of the individuals leading the charge to make cutting-edge technologies available when it comes to upholding public order and safety. From the arrest of Sandro Pertini to the Matteotti murder, mafia massacres to neo-fascist terrorism, precious documents and photographs provide a snapshot of some of the most dramatic moments in national history, demonstrating how the Police have always served as a point of reference for the country.