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Valeria Sandei participates in the Gartner Italian Event 2013. How to create a digital edge in the Nexus of Forces age

Valeria Sandei participates in the Gartner Italian Event 2013. How to create a digital edge in the Nexus of Forces age


Milan, 8 May - Hotel ATA Executive

The convergence of social, cultural and technological factors identified by Gartner as the "Nexus of Forces" – cloud, mobility, social media and information – is leading to a radical shift of power from the enterprise to the individual.
The Nexus presents some formidable challenges to CIOs, IT managers and suppliers and is set to become a decisive factor for ensuring the digital edge of a business.

The CEO of Almawave Valeria Sandei will participate in the Vendor CEO Panel: Strategy for Nexus of Forces, at the Gartner Italian Event 2013, which will be held in Milan, on 8 May, at the ATA Executive Hotel.

Find out more about the Agenda of the event