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Internet of Things 4 Education: AlmavivA develops its Technology Garden, as part of the Città Educante (Education City) project

Internet of Things 4 Education: AlmavivA develops its Technology Garden, as part of the Città Educante (Education City) project


Internet of Things 4 Education: AlmavivA develops its Technology Garden, as part of the Città Educante (Education City) project

The IoT team, committed to developing the Città Educante (Education City) research project, a collective effort by AlmavivA and RAI, together with two universities, two research centers and a temporary grouping formed by 13 small and medium enterprises, has launched its experimental Technology Garden based on the paradigm of the Internet of Things.

The project consists of a vegetable garden in which a set of sensors allows users to monitor the plants and soil and interact with the garden. The trial will take place at the Reggio Children Foundation and will directly involve children, who may interact through the Knowledge Management project platform.

Instead, thanks to the AlmavivA GIoTTO IoT platform, the language of the sensors will be translated into natural language: the messages sent by the sensors will be translated into natural language and become comprehensible to all. The set of information received from the Technology Garden will help to effectively manage the plants and allow the development of the garden. The trial also features an ambitious challenge: to reduce CO2 emissions at school.

The aim of the Città Educante (Education City) project is to radically rethink learning environments, by applying state-of-the-art IT technologies, proposing new educational approaches, broadening and innovating methods and instruments, overcoming the classical systems and traditional role of teachers. It provides for life-long learning, at school, outdoors and in leisure spaces.

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