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AlmavivA Finance attends the 2010 Forum ABI Lab

AlmavivA Finance attends the 2010 Forum ABI Lab


The aim of the event is to provide an authoritative and all-round update on the current trends and best practices relating to the use of Information Technology in the banking sector.

AlmavivA Finance attends the 2010 Forum ABI Lab, with AlmavivA for SPC in the processes between Banks and Government, and AlmavivA Consulting with its innovatory semantic solutions for managing reputation, social media marketing & customer relations



This year’s 6th edition of the ABILab Connecting Conference is the Consortium’s top annual event, where banks and businesses can meet up and further investigate the issues related to the role of ICT in the banking sector.

The aim of the event is to provide an authoritative and all-round update on the current trends and best practices relating to the use of Information Technology in the banking sector. In order to provide the participants with an overview of the best experiences and know how and ideas for concrete action plans, the event will feature speeches and interviews by bank managers and ICT professionals, as well as prime institutional figures from the Ministry for Innovation, the Bank of Italy and the European Community, as well as DigitPA and Confindustria, the Employers’ Association.
AlmavivA Finance will be attending the event as a Consortium member with a Group team, showcasing the following projects and expertise:


  • for the demonstration area, AlmavivA Finance and AlmavivA will set up a workstation on the issue of the Impact of SPC on processes between Banks and Government
  • during the first day of the event, Daniele Lombardo from  Almaviva Consulting will present a case study on "Innovatory semantic solutions for managing reputation, social media marketing and customer relations: a concrete case"
  • Pier Giorgio Costantini CEO of AlmavivA Finance will then close the two-day long forum by participating in the Round Table on ‘Widespread Banking’. The theme of discussion is: “Qualifying models, solutions and technologies: new opportunities for the development of services for the general public by implementing synergies between Government, Banks and Businesses”.
    The Chairman of the Round Table is Carlo Alberto Carnevale-Maffè, Professor of Business Strategy and Policy at the SDA Bocconi School of Management. Besides Pier Giorgio Costantini, the event will also be attended by Claudio Mereu, Organisation Manager of Banca Popolare di Milano, and Liliana Fratini Passi, Secretary General of CBI.

For more information visit the website of the event.