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Microsoft certification for the Inpdap Unified Collaboration platform architecture

Microsoft certification for the Inpdap Unified Collaboration platform architecture


AlmavivA passed the Microsoft certification validation call for its Unified Communication platform architecture developed for the Inpdap "Collaboration Project".


Microsoft certification for the Inpdap Unified Collaboration platform architecture

AlmavivA passed the Microsoft certification validation call for its Unified Communication platform architecture developed for the Inpdap "Collaboration Project".
We are the first in Italy and among the very first in Europe (ranking eighth) to receive this much sought-after award, which bears witness to AlmavivA’s technical skills and leading-edge activities.
And it is extremely significant that a large government department, such as INPDAP, has decided, even before any private businesses, to install a complete Unified Communication platform (using VOIP, Collaboration, web 2.0, voice-mail, mobile, telework...), thus sending out a clear signal of technological competence, far-sightedness and capacity to innovate.
On Friday, December 5th, at the presentation of the Project to the Inpdap Central Directors and Trade Union officials, on the theme of telework and videocommunication, Marco Neri, the Architecture Consultant for the Project, on behalf of AlmavivA, highlighted how “an increasing number of government agencies are showing an interest in tools for solving organizational, functional and security problems. A teleworker, in fact, can make video and voice calls from any part of the world, with just an Internet connection, via VoIP, with enormous savings, and can share documents and take part in meetings using a web space like a virtual office”.
The presentation, at the Inpdap headquarters, aroused a great deal of interest, and it was decided to extend the pilot project, by the end of next year, to all the Inpdap branch offices.