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Cloud Computing for Government: searching for a shared strategy

Cloud Computing for Government: searching for a shared strategy


Francesco Barbieri, Group IT Systems Management and Governance & Solution Innovation Manager speaks at the Conference

This morning Francesco Barbieri, Group IT Systems Management and Governance & Solution Innovation Manager at AlmavivA, will speak at the Conference presenting the results of the Survey on Government, organized by the Cloud & ICT Observatory as a Service and promoted by the Milan Polytechnic's School of Management, in partnership with AlmavivA, APC by Schneider Electric, Fastweb, HP, IBM, NetApp, Orsyp, Telecom and VMware.

The event will begin with the presentation of the results of the vertical Survey on Cloud Computing and Government in Italy and the role that In-house Companies can play in its development. The presentation will be followed by an in-depth analysis of the current state of the Government Data Centers and the guidelines for their rationalization, consistently with the principles set out in the Digital Agenda. Several case histories relating to government entities that have implemented some interesting Cloud Computing solutions and the round tables attended by some of the key players in the Government process of digital development will provide a picture of the state-of-the-art and the future development of Cloud Computing in government.

The Vertical Survey on Government for 2013 aimed at:

  • outlining the scenarios for rationalizing the infrastructure and applications of government;
  • identifying the reasons for and barriers against the development of the Cloud Computing model for Government;
  • determining how the players in this process, and In-house Companies in particular, can drive development further; 
  • exploring the Government entities in which Cloud Computing can be introduced;
  • helping to define the priority actions for promoting change.


Read the program of the Conference