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We are set to implement research and development projects through InItalia, the consortium for ICT federalism

We are set to implement research and development projects through InItalia, the consortium for ICT federalism


An entirely Italian-owned IT giant, with the capability to implement large-scale national and international projects, exploiting the all-round ICT synergies based on a federalist approach.


"We are set to implement research and development projects through InItalia, the consortium for ICT federalism": an interview with the President, Alberto Tripi

An entirely Italian-owned IT giant, with the capability to implement large-scale national and international projects, exploiting the all-round ICT synergies based on a federalist approach.
This is the aim of “InItalia”, the recently established consortium set up by AlmavivA, Engineering and Elsag Datamat, three important Italian-based IT companies, which have entered into a solid and substantial agreement, with the support of the Sapienza University of Rome and the Polytechnic of Turin.
“One thing is certain – said Mr. Tripi, President of both AlmavivA and InItalia – this won’t be just another wagon hitched to the usual Italian gravy train. The undertakings coming together in this endeavor individually possess the significant resources needed to research and design complex systems. The idea is to pool this expertise for research and development projects that can benefit the country as a whole."

Read the rest of the interwiew  in the Corriere delle Comunicazioni and for more information read the entire  Rassegna Stampa.