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AlmavivA Contact: insubstantial indications from the trade unions

AlmavivA Contact: insubstantial indications from the trade unions


AlmavivA Contact: insubstantial indications from the trade unions

Rome, 21 December 2016 – Just a few hours after the conclusion of the process provided for by the law, after 74 days of industrial action and parallel opposition to discuss the possible terms and conditions of a structured crisis plan for AlmavivA Contact, last night the unions presented a rather approximate and insubstantial proposal, which resembles an alibi rather than an effective proposal.

How else can we interpret the unions’ suggestion to freeze the seniority-linked salary increases for 2017, at the Rome and Naples offices, which, by introducing a singular salary system to be paid back the following year, would in any case oblige the Company to set aside a corresponding amount and record a substantially inexistent impact in its profit and loss account?

Faced with the objective criticalities affecting AlmavivA Contact’s performance, namely, a 50% reduction in turnover over the last four years and further losses, totaling 28 million in 2016 alone, the unions’ recipe would be merely a financial reporting operations consisting in nothing more than the deferral by just a few months of a figure of only a few hundred thousand euros.

This is entirely insubstantial, a financial pittance, so to speak, with absolutely no effect on the Company’s future accounts. A path that is entirely inadequate for seriously tackling the structural features of the crisis affecting the Company and restoring a balance that has been compromised by longstanding losses and costs that can no longer be sustained.

As already confirmed many times by AlmavivA Contact, the responsible alternative to the reorganization process under way would be a recovery plan aimed at ensuring the financial security of the Company and safeguarding employment, lacking which there will be dire and short-term consequences for the entire corporate perimeter.