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Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group wins the "Cloud Innovation Award"

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group wins the "Cloud Innovation Award"


Data Center Shrink: Italy's biggest private cloud












Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group has received the Cloud Innovation Award, sponsored by the Cloud & ICT Observatory, as a Service of the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic, for having chosen cloud instruments, in connection with the upgrading of its complex ICT infrastructure and critical proprietary information.

The Data Center Shrink project, which bears the signature of AlmavivA, has enabled the migration of the Group's legacy information system into our HyperCED® facility, producing the largest private cloud in Italy.
Thanks to this model, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group can improve the quality of services provided to both passengers and stakeholders, at no extra cost, by outsourcing all the complexities related to the IT infrastructure, resting assured that it can rely on high standards and management flexibility.

AlmavivA's HyperCED®
is a cornerstone of out Cloud Path Strategy, a mix of scalability, technology and statistically saturated models of the processing resources, capable of transforming an IT infrastructure into an on-demand service, with real-time provisioning solutions. A concentrate of innovation and certified technologies, based on the severest quality and management standards, with a special focus on security, capable of supporting the cloud migration of medium-to-large public and private organizations operating in the most diverse sectors.
The seamless cloud migration of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group's Information System (over 3,000 servers, 300 applications and 3 Petabyte of Storage) has been possible thanks to the models and methods developed by AlmavivA, based on experience built up since 2009..