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Cagliari 11 November: AlmavivA sponsors the annual Club Italia conference on “Mobility payment systems”

Cagliari 11 November: AlmavivA sponsors the annual Club Italia conference on “Mobility payment systems”


Cagliari 11 November: AlmavivA sponsors the annual Club Italia conference on “Mobility payment systems”

Cagliari is hosting a three-day event centered on Local Public Transport: scheduled for tomorrow is the annual conference of Club Italia on “Mobility payment systems”, followed by the 12th National Conference of ASSTRA - Transport Association on "Local Public Transport: are we approaching a U-turn? Success stories, failures and proposals for LPT".

AlmavivA is sponsoring the Conference promoted by Club Italia. The morning will be dedicated to the presentation of the new payment methods associated with mobility. This will be followed, in the afternoon, by a Seminar on the use of contactless bank cards in the mobility sector, a first important step in the process, launched in January 2015 by the members of Club Italia, for benchmarking the opportunities and problems related to the application of bank contactless technology to the local public transport sector.

Stefania Di Serio and Vincenzo Bloise of AlmavivA’s Transportation Division will speak on the “Trend for the future of payments”.

CLUB ITALIA ContactLess Technologies Users Board was set up in January 2000. This no-profit organization aims to disseminate, in Italy, the use of contactless smartcard-based payment and access systems integrated with infomobility systems. The goal is to promote the use of public transport by persons, by enhancing the flexibility, security and convenience of payment and interaction with transport modes.

Want to find out more? Go to the Club Italia website