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July 7 and 8 at the City of Science in Naples: the Almawave experience at the "Health Laboratory 20-30"

July 7 and 8 at the City of Science in Naples: the Almawave experience at the "Health Laboratory 20-30"


A stepping stone to the 17th Forum Risk Management in Health Care, the "Health Laboratory 20/30" is being held July 7-8.This is an important opportunity to discuss the progress of the NRP programs toward the regeneration and reform of the Health Care System.

At a crucial time for catching up and showing solidarity in favor of the southern regions, the Campania Region, national institutions and other regions are meeting with the aim of stimulating a shared vision of the change underway, the rules, and the endowments necessary for the proper functioning of the new health and social services.

In this "worksite," in which area stakeholders bring together proposals and best practices, Business Developer Guido Panfili is bringing the Almawave experience to the July 8 session.

"Artificial Intelligence: building synthetic tools for predictive stratification" is the title of his speech.