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Blockchain battles food fraud, best case Enology: an NFC tag holds the entire history of a bottle

Blockchain battles food fraud, best case Enology: an NFC tag holds the entire history of a bottle


The AlmavivA traceability platform designed to combat counterfeiting and protect Italian-made products in the Agrifood sector

Food fraud and forging of the Made in Italy label: a widespread system which can really be curbed by technology. Blockchain is helping to tackle counterfeiting in the agri-food industry, which puts consumers at risk and causes producers to lose millions of Euros. Already implemented in the banking and payment sector, as well as in logistics, transport, security and local supervision, Blockchain technology is also a vital resource in the Agrifood sector.

According to a 2017 report by ICQRF, the Ministry Inspectorate for tackling food fraud, in 50,000 checks carried out, 26.8% of the operators, 15.7% of products and 7.8% of samples tested as non-conforming. The value of seized goods has now exceeded 90 million Euros.

Plus, according to Euipo, the European Union Intellectual Property agency, it has emerged that the sale of counterfeit products in Europe represents 5% of the value of imports.

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