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New and challenging fields for cybersecurity in the finance world: “Banche e Sicurezza 2021” (Banks and Security 2021) promoted by ABI gets underway. Speech by CISO Roger Cataldi on the 26th

New and challenging fields for cybersecurity in the finance world: “Banche e Sicurezza 2021” (Banks and Security 2021) promoted by ABI gets underway. Speech by CISO Roger Cataldi on the 26th


“Awareness, alliances, evolution. Age-old and not particularly technological words that sum up perfectly the scenario and challenges of security.” This according to the organizers of Banche e Sicurezza (Banks and Security), the yearly event that updates the map of solutions, technologies, and skills needed to tackle cyber and physical risk in the financial industry.

For organizations in sectors exposed to an increasingly more complex and sophisticated risk, AlmavivA guarantees an entirely new level of knowledge and understanding of cyber threats and offers a complete and diversified panel of services, technologies, and proprietary and market products. The appointment with AlmavivA Cyber Intelligence is tomorrow at 11:30 with CISO Roger Cataldi’s speech.

Go to the event schedule and found out more about AlmavivA.