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14th Edition of Mercintreno Forum: Almaviva’s technological innovation is the focus of DG Fiorentini’s speech

14th Edition of Mercintreno Forum: Almaviva’s technological innovation is the focus of DG Fiorentini’s speech


The new frontiers of freight mobility via rail as seen through the lens of technological innovation, intermodality, and the NRRP will be the focus of the 14th Edition of the Mercintreno Forum, the forum dedicated to freight transport via rail. An important moment for institutions, associations, and experts from the sector to come together, the event will take place on November 23 at the CNEL headquarters.

The goal of three roundtable discussions will be to outline the consequences of the new factors affecting freight transport via rail, which include energy shocks, inflation, the war in Ukraine, and new geopolitical scenarios. Alamaviva’s General Manager of Transportation and Logistics, Smeraldo Fiorentini, is scheduled to speak during the roundtable entitled “MercinTreno in Technological Innovation”.

It will also be possible to stream the event on Mercintreno’s YouTube channel.