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CheckMe is online, the free instrument for monitoring secure Internet access. Created by AlmavivA against Cyber risks

CheckMe is online, the free instrument for monitoring secure Internet access. Created by AlmavivA against Cyber risks


The online system accessible to the general public allows those who work or study from home and remotely to conduct an instantaneous check on the risks of the work station being used

Rome, 18 September 2020 – The connections from home have opened up numerous doors granting access to digital threats. CheckMe is an immediate, free and non-invasive service conceived by AlmavivA to meet the need to check the health of your connection. It assesses and identifies some primary security risks of the work station connected to the Internet (PC, laptop, mobile device) used to work, study, for entertainment or to conduct private financial transaction.

By connecting to the dedicated URL - https://checkme.cyberiskvision.com - the Joshua cyber security platform, through an analysis of the minimum digital resources required for navigation, i.e. IP address and browser version, identifies any possible correlated threats and provides the user with a report.

“Digital safety is a particularly important issue these days. The intensification of teleworking and remote studying, the sharing of home networks with different devices such as smartphones, smartTVs or other IoT items exposes the data and the systems connected to the company resources to confidentiality violation risks”, says Antonio Amati, General Manager of the AlmavivA IT Division.  

The solution conducts a comparison between the public information available on the Internet, including the software versions released by the major web browser companies, and the  IP addresses of systems that have demonstrated characteristics traceable to certain malware and command and control networks relative to known botnets.

Thanks to the information contained in the Joshua CybeRisk Vision database, CheckMe provides an immediate response on the health of the system connected to the Internet. The types of responses include: system safe, update required or system compromised. In the event of the latter, the user will know that precautions must be taken. It is also available in the enterprise version for companies.

CheckMe monitoring takes place accessing only public information and respecting Privacy, using non-invasive methods that cannot cause damage through passive definition analyses of the attack surface. Therefore, in order to check for possible security problems, no attack simulation operations are carried out on the network conducting the test or on the user’s browser.