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“Data-driven innovation for sustainability in Agrifood”: Almaviva Luca Salvucci on Agrifood.tech, Simone Ursini LazioCrea at PoliMI Osservatorio final conference

“Data-driven innovation for sustainability in Agrifood”: Almaviva Luca Salvucci on Agrifood.tech, Simone Ursini LazioCrea at PoliMI Osservatorio final conference


“Water resources are crucial to fair and sustainable development and water security is a fundamental requirement for economic development, food production, social balance, business competitiveness, and safeguarding the natural environment.” These were the words of Luca Salvucci, Head of Agriculture & Made in Italy Practice for Almaviva, on Agrifood.tech – Digital 360, in view of the Smart Agrifood Observatory’s final conference, which will take place on March 15th.

“It’s a priority,” continued Salvucci, “to identify solutions that enable optimal use of resources in order to significantly reduce waste and increase the availability of water for agriculture, thus ensuring that agricultural companies have the quantity they need for production. Almaviva has developed an innovative solution to address the issue of water scarcity. The solution’s operation is based on determining water availability and the agricultural and livestock needs of the area, resulting in a comprehensive ‘water budget’. Furthermore, thanks to the use of advanced mathematical models and artificial intelligence algorithms, the solution makes it possible to monitor water availability over time and to report potential shortages. Thanks to this system, it becomes possible to minimize waste and conduct efficient long-term forecasting and planning. At the environmental level, it contributes to preserving aquatic ecosystems and protecting biodiversity, while also raising awareness throughout the agricultural supply chain regarding the importance of sustainable management of water resources.”

Almaviva has been collaborating for years with the Politecnico di Milano’s observatory and the University of Brescia, an important reference point in Italy and one of the primary ones in the European Union, to fully understand the impact of digital innovations (regarding processes, infrastructure, applications, hardware, and software) on the agricultural and agri-food supply chain. Invited by Almaviva to participate among the speakers, yesterday's conference was attended by Simone Ursini, Head of the Administrative Simplification and Open Government and Territory Divisions, LazioCrea, who said: “A change is needed in the relationship between the PA and agricultural businesses with a view to simplification and quality production, in a way that is consistent and compatible with the economic sustainability in which national public policies are called upon to give concrete answers. Technologies are certainly a fundamental driving force to meet these needs to attract gradually increasing investments. LazioCrea, together with its strategic partner Almaviva, is pursuing the dual path of reducing time and simplifying administrative procedures by exploiting the potential of data-driven technological solutions”.