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Together to Support the Scientific Disciplines: Almaviva for the Value D campaign “WE STAND 4 STEM” through February 11th

Together to Support the Scientific Disciplines: Almaviva for the Value D campaign “WE STAND 4 STEM” through February 11th


The “National Week of Scientific, Technological, Engineering, and Mathematic Disciplines”, established late last year to raise awareness and stimulate interest, choice, and learning in these disciplines, kicked off yesterday. Almaviva supports VALUE D in the communications campaign, dedicated to teaching digital skills through its Continuous Academy and in collaboration with schools and universities, helping to overcome stereotypes and reduce the gender gap in STEM disciplines and, in particular, ICT professions.

In the coming years there will be a growing and interdisciplinary demand for digital skills from both businesses and public administration. It is estimated that nearly a quarter of all jobs are destined to undergo changes in the next five years, with big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence among the technologies that will create the most employment opportunities (WEF, Future of Jobs, 2023).

Even though the future speaks clearly, data confirms that the interest of female students' in ICT remains low, both globally and nationally.

In Italy, despite accounting for more than half of all college graduates (AlmaLaurea, Profile of Graduates 2021, 2022), girls who choose to major in STEM disciplines are still a minority. In 2021, only 19% of female graduates earned a university degree in STEM disciplines, as compared to 40.1% of male graduates, and, looking specifically at computer science and ICT, the percentage of females graduates was only 15.2%.