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The Multicash Platform

The Multicash Platform

Case Study

The Multicash solution is used by major Credit Institutions to manage compensation, operation automation and information exchange relative to cash Surpluses and Necessities in the member bank branches.

The benefits of the centralized management of cash Surpluses and Necessities can be summed up in economic and logistical benefits: drastically reducing cash movements between the individual branches and the territorial Banca d’Italia branches.

Insertion of the Surpluses and Necessities through direct integration between the information systems of the individual banks and the Platform or with manual insertion

Calculation of the compensation based on established rules that are preloaded onto the Platform to be applied for every bill size

Communication of completed compensation between the Banks’ Multicash Platform clients and the Services’ clients that interact with the central Platform to acquire the compensation data

Based on the compensation data, the Banks provide the accounting and wire transfer regulations for the received bills and the Services activate movement of the bills among the involved stock

At the end of the process, each Institution sends the request to the Service for residual withdrawal and deposit to Bankit, based on the methods of each Institution


All the potential of the Cloud

The architecture of the Multicash Platform was designed to make the best use of the Iaas, Paas and Serverless instruments, allowing management of the process cycles to be optimized.

By choosing Amazon Web Services (AWS), it has been possible to implement a solution that could take advantage of the benefits offered by the CSP: contained costs, scalability and reliability of the service. AWS was selected primarily for its high global availability and its presence in the EU territory, but also for the completeness of the services offered which help to quickly, reliably and securely take products to the market.

Using the instruments made available by AWS and designing an architecture in line with the Well-Architected Framework, Almaviva Group has created a solution that performs securely, reliably and efficiently. Almaviva Group’s Managed Services also guarantee control of the service with particular attention to management and optimization of the service costs.

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